Sending pull requests to the project, so the interpreter could have the minimum set of components that would make possible for me to work upon it. I could immediatly see, that this project was the missing piece to turn my emulator project a reality! I forked BRS and started collaborating, Open source project, a command line interpreter for BrightScript created by Sean Barag. So I shelved the idea in my Brain Dump Trello board, until recently, when I learned about the BRS
The solution would be to develop an emulator for the platform, but that was, to me, a very complex endeavor to start as a side project, To the Roku platform, so a lot of my friends could only see videos of my games, These projects were very challenging and exciting to develop, but brought me some frustration with it, as very few people outside the USA has access To develop games for the platform, so I created a few open source remakes of classic games (see links below on Games and Demos).
Back in 2016 I decided to learn about the As a BrightScript developer since 2012, I always wanted a way to test my code without the need of a Roku device, in situations likeĪ long flight or a place without any wireless network available.